May 27, 2004
Welcome to Law & Entrepreneurship News!
Law & Entrepreneurship News is a collaborative project involving Professor Gordon Smith and students at the University of Wisconsin Law School. The purpose of this project is to provide links and commentary on recent developments relating to law and entrepreneurship. More specifically, we will track judicial, legislative, regulatory, transactional, and scholarly developments relating to the following topics (in alphabetical order): alliances, bankruptcy and debtor/creditor relationships, copyright and trademark, corporations, employees, family businesses, franchising, international trade, patents and technology, securities, small businesses, taxation, unincorporated entities, and venture capital. Each of these topics will be the primary responsibility of a student editor, who will research and write the blog entries.
If our aspirations are fulfilled, this project will do for law and entrepreneurship what How Appealing does for appellate litigation or The Paper Chase does for legal news generally. The result should be a blog that merits daily consultation by lawyers, entrepreneurs, academics, and students.
Over the summer, we will build the professional infrastructure for the blog, so don't expect much content before fall semester commences in September. In the meantime, suggestions for the project are most welcome.
Posted by Gordon Smith at 12:15 PM in Administration | Permalink | TrackBack