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December 01, 2004

New NLRB Rules Take Effect

New NLRB rules have taken effect in the last few days. 

First, the board overruled (pdf) a Clinton administration NLRB precedent that allowed temporary workers to join the same unions as permanent employees.  The Board ruled that "multiemployer units" require the consent of both parties (i.e. the employers).  Temporary employees typically are subcontracted from their primary employer.  The overruled decision was MB Sturgis, 331 NLRB 1298.

Second, the board affirmed (pdf) an ALJ decision permitting the posting of work rules prohibiting the use of profanity.  Union advocates and the dissenting board members expressed concerns that posted rules could have a chilling effect on organizing efforts.

Posted by Matt White at 10:43 PM in Employees | Permalink


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