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December 01, 2004
Supreme Court Hears Argument on Whistleblower Protection for Title IX
In retaliatory discharge news, Lyle Dennison from SCOTUSBlog is talking about oral argument in Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education.
The facts:
The Jackson case is about a Birmingham, Ala., coach of a girls’ basketball team who protested that boys’ teams were treated more favorably in funding and facilities. He temporarily lost his coaching job, and he sued, claiming retaliation under Title IX. His case basically poses the question of how effective Title IX would be if whistle-blowers like him – coaches and teachers, for example – are unable to challenge sex bias, or are discouraged from doing so, either because they could not sue or because retaliation against them is not a violation of Title IX.
It's an interesting read. Also, the always entertaining Dahlia Lithwick weighs in here.
Posted by Matt White at 10:50 PM in Employees | Permalink
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