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January 20, 2005
Keeping Current
Review of “Tax & Business Law Commentary” http://taxbiz.blogspot.com
Business decisions are often influenced by tax considerations, and being aware of the relevant tax laws can sometimes help a business save an enormous amount of money. It is well known, however, that the tax code is continuously evolving. When the IRS, for example, issues a new set of regulations, it is imperative that those likely to be affected by it be aware of it. Needless to say, it is equally important to remain abreast of new developments in business law. Keeping up with, and making sense of new developments in tax and business law, however, can be challenging and time consuming -- but TaxBiz is here to save the day.
Taxbiz.blogspot.com delivers just what it promises -- commentary on recent developments in both tax and business law. What distinguishes this particular blog from others that attempt to cover the same material is the quickness with which the posts occur. More often than not, when a court issues a decision regarding business or tax law, there is already a post about it within a week, if not the next day. Even more impressive than the speed with which this site is updated, is the content of the posts themselves. When a tax court issues a decision, for example, this blog does an excellent job of concisely and clearly relaying the facts of the case, the arguments made by each side, and the underlying rationale for the courts decision. The posts are also quite helpful in that they discuss the potential implications that recent court decisions or new regulations might bring about. One positive thing I noticed is that the posts, in addition to commenting on recent court decisions, also bring up previous court decisions that are at odds with the most recent one. In the process, the reader
becomes not only aware of what the law is, but also gains a better understanding of the underlying issue.
Needless to say, certain tax and business laws can be complex to work through and understand. To its credit, TaxBiz does as good a job as can be expected in explaining difficult material in a concise and easy to understand manner. With that said, the material on this blog is most likely geared towards the practicing lawyer or businessman. In fact, TaxBiz itself points out that it is “directed to discussing technical issues pertaining to tax and business law”. Those with no background in tax or business law will often find themselves scratching their heads when reading certain posts. For those with a background in tax or business law, however, this blog is an invaluable and important resource.
It should be noted that the majority of the posts on this blog pertain to issues in tax law. But there are enough posts regarding developments in business law to make this site a worthwhile visit for even those with no interest in tax – and especially in light of the fact that tax laws can, at times, directly influence the way a business is run. As a side note, this blog was updated consistently from December 2002 until November 2003, whereupon there were no posts until November 2004. But the site seems to be posting regularly once more, and it is well worth it to go back and read through the archived posts.
All in all, this blog is a must read. The posts are informative, relevant, and taken together, this blog almost reads like an online course in tax law, with new cases and issues being discussed and analyzed almost as soon as they arise and are dealt with by the courts. Those with an interest in business law will also be well-served by checking out this blog. http://taxbiz.blogspot.com is definitely a blog to check up on frequently.
Posted by Yoni Heisler at 05:37 PM in Blog Reviews | Permalink
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