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July 29, 2005
Little League Secret CodesApparently mistaking the Spanish language for some sort of secret Navajo war code, a Little League umpire ordered 14-year-olds to stop speaking Spanish on the baseball field. His defense is he thought they were communicating illegal plays to one another. Apparently, you can have secret hand signals for a code, but not a foreign language.
Posted by Christine Hurt in Sports | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
July 26, 2005
Another Lance in the NewsThis is a fun local story here in Utah that made the national news today.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Skip it, SkipI normally enjoy reading Skip Bayless' columns over at ESPN.com, but today he enters into that tired debate about whether Lance Armstrong is the greatest athlete ever. What about Jordan? What about Bo Jackson? Or Deion Sanders? This is a ridiculous apples-and-oranges exercise, and to what end? Lance has just finished an incredible career. Savor that, sports fans, and forget these silly debates about the world's greatest athlete.
Posted by Gordon Smith | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
July 24, 2005
Congrats, Lance!We have been following the TDF via internet while at Philmont, but this race was decided many stages before today's final leg into Paris. As Jan Ullrich conceded, Lance Armstrong is simply unbeatable in the Tour. Lance and his Discovery team never had a true moment of panic in this year's tour. It will be a long time before we see someone of Lance's skill and determination at the TDF again.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Cycling | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Best Places to Live: MiddletonI often brag up Madison as a place to live, but I actually live in Middleton. And that's pretty nice, too. The link is to a CNN/Money listing of the Best Places to Live, in which Middleton places seventh.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Post-tenure MoonlightingIf you have ever wondered what law professors do after they receive tenure, check out Oscar Madison's post.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
July 21, 2005
Let's Call it White Lung DiseaseI had not been aware of the rash of cases of lung disease among popcorn plant workers. Wow.
Posted by Christine Hurt in Food and Drink | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
July 17, 2005
Russell Reviews HarryWatch out for spoilers!
Posted by Gordon Smith in Books | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Jan is "fed up"This might look like a pun about Jan Ullrich's infamous lack of discipline at the dinner table, but it is actually his response to critics: "I'm fed up with all those questions about my morale and my mental strength. I crashed twice in the beginning of the Tour but I don't think I have lacked morale or ambition."
It's unfair to question Jan's heart, especially after yesterday's attacks. He just has the extreme misfortune of racing against the greatest Tour de France cyclist ever.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Cycling | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
July 15, 2005
Defending Harry PotterMy T&S co-blogger has a thoughtful take on the Harry Potter series as we await 12:01 a.m.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Books | Permalink | TrackBack (0)