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September 27, 2005
Giant Squid PhotosThese are the first ever photos of a giant squid. Fascinating.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 26, 2005
Ok, I am crying now ...This is almost enough to make me a Notre Dame fan.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Sports | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 25, 2005
FatBotThis is a short movie clip of some groovy dancing by a guy in his bedroom. Don't worry, it's completely tasteful.
If you like that, you might also be interested in FroBot.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 24, 2005
Funny Headline"Football wives club support team, each other"
That poor support team! Someone needs to do something about these violent wives.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Sports | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 22, 2005
Dramatic Jet Blue LandingIf you subscribe to the W$J, take a look at this story and accompanying video clip of the dramatic landing by Jet Blue pilots yesterday at LAX.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 20, 2005
BumvertisingHere's the scoop:
Several times a week the Mercer Island native steps into his four-door Mercedes, dressed in a button-down shirt, and goes hunting, as he puts it, for "good, consistent beggars." Then he makes an offer -- a bit of food and water, plus $1 to $5, according to each panhandler's relative value, a determination Rogovy calculates in his head, based largely on traffic patterns. In the past month, he has hired about a dozen vagrant sign-holders. "I am fascinated by these people, out there from dawn to dusk," he said. "It was so much untapped labor. Some of them were working longer days than I was."
So, if you see a product associated with a homeless person, you think, "Get me some of that"? Remind me again why companies pay for celebrity endorsements ...
Posted by Gordon Smith in Marketing | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Rich, but Not a LegendESPN asks the dumbest poll question I have seen in a long time ...
Which player will wind up winning the most majors?
Jack Nicklaus | |
Annika Sorenstam | |
Michelle Wie | |
Tiger Woods |
Michelle Wie is a phenomenal 16-year-old golfer, but she is not yet a phenomenal professional golfer. Indeed, she has never won a professional tournament! To suggest that she will break records for wins in majors is assinine. She may never be a great pro. Just remember Bobby Clampett ...
Posted by Gordon Smith in Sports | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 16, 2005
Buying BabiesGreece is trying to increase its birth rate. We would have done well under this system.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Miscellany | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
The Legacy of Bayh-DoleFortune just ran a nice article on Bayh-Dole, the 1980 law that change the landscape of university patents. It mentions the University of Wisconsin as one of ten universities that had tech-transfer offices before Bayh-Dole. Our office, called WARF (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation), is responsible for my position at the University in INSITE.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Intellectual Property | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
September 15, 2005
Bizarro IPOIf you haven't read about the registration statement of Apollo Publication Corp, you need to check it out. Here is the actual filing. Among other crazy aspects of the proposed offering, they list the following as members of the Audit Committee: James Baker, Jimmy Carter, Jean Chretien, Paul Oneil, and "Al" Greenspan.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Securities Regulation | Permalink | TrackBack (0)