December 21, 2005

What's Your Rate?

I saw this story last week in the National Law Review, but WaPo has some interesting discussion of the fact that Benjamin R. Civiletti charges $1,000 per hour for legal services. By way of comparison:

One partner at Patton Boggs LLP, the second-priciest Washington firm after Venable in the survey, charges up to $800 an hour. At Hogan & Hartson, the rate goes up to $750 a hour. Twelve partners at Covington & Burling, the District firm with the fourth-highest rate, charge up to $720 an hour.

More typical for partners in Washington firms is about $500 an hour, said Steve Nelson, managing principal for law and government for the McCormick Group, an executive search firm based in Arlington. The average for partners in large New York firms ranges from about $700 to $800, Nelson said.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

December 03, 2005

BAR/BRI a Monopoly?

Los Angeles lawyer Eliot G. Disner has filed an antitrust lawsuit against BAR/BRI, claiming that the company that produces the most popular bar preparation course has monopolized the market and overcharged students.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

October 25, 2005

Oscar Madison is Buried in "Law Porn"

Oscar does a little experiment with "law porn." It's U.S. News time again, so the volume is particularly heavy this time of year. Still, if you are not on the mailing list, you may find it quite astonishing.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

October 21, 2005

The Next Class Action Boom?

Ben Barros thinks it's in interest-only mortgages.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

October 10, 2005


Brought to you by Kaimi at Concurring Opinions.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

August 08, 2005

Law Firm Prestige Rankings

Skadden (Christine and Gordon's old firm) comes in 4th, while Davis Polk (Vic's old firm) ranks 5th. But don't worry, Vic. You are still developing a solid professional pedigree. ;-)

Thanks to JD2B for the tip.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

July 24, 2005

Post-tenure Moonlighting

If you have ever wondered what law professors do after they receive tenure, check out Oscar Madison's post.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

July 13, 2005

The Stupidest Lawsuit Ever?

Groklaw thinks so. So bizarre, it must be France.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

April 26, 2005

Kaimi on U.S. News Rankings

My co-blogger Kaimi Wenger makes "The Uneasy Case for the US News Law School Rankings" over at Prawfsblawg (the blawg with the worst name since Venturpreneur). I enjoyed reading his comparison of U.S. News to Brian Leiter's rankings. Kaimi observes: "Leiter's top 5 (6, actually) are all accounted for within the first 6 spots of the US News list.  In the top 15 (16, actually, because of ties), there is a single school on Leiter's list not on the US News list, USC.  Skip down to the top 18, and again every school listed in the Leiter 18 is accounted for in the US News 18."

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

April 13, 2005

Columbia v. NYU

A very funny post from Anonymous Law Student on this long-running debate. Hat tip to jd2b.

UPDATE: Ann doesn't think it's so funny. She went to NYU and thinks ALS is a Columbia student.

Posted by Gordon Smith in Law Schools & Lawyering | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

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