December 14, 2005
"Activist Judge Cancels Christmas"Another fun read from The Onion.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Religion | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
April 07, 2005
Odds on the Next PopeIt looks like a two-man race. (Maybe three.) Italy or Nigeria?
Posted by Gordon Smith in Religion | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
April 03, 2005
The Pope & "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"Ann Althouse has the scoop.
Posted by Gordon Smith in Religion | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
April 02, 2005
Nina: "Is the Pope Polish?"My colleage Nina Camic offers this perspective on the passing of Pope John Paul II: "As I read the stories, I am reminded again and again of why Poles, for a few decades, felt that their tiny complexed voice could be heard through this man and why they suffer the loss of their spokesperson, because really, in their eyes, this leaves them alone and vulnerable on the map all over again. And if you think I am exaggerating, listen to the spot TV interviews with Poles and the recurring themes: 'other countries noticed us' 'we felt protected' 'he gave us courage' etc."
Posted by Gordon Smith in Religion | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
March 15, 2005
Mormon Teens Are TopsI have always admired my own children, but it's nice to read about this study. From one of the authors: "Across almost every category we looked at, there was a clear pattern: Mormons were first." And another: "Mormons generally have high expectations of their youth, invest a lot in educating them, and intentionally create social contexts in which religious faith matters a lot. These investments pay off in producing Mormon teenagers who are, by sociological measures at least, more religiously serious and articulate than most other religious teenagers in the U.S."
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